Friday, 9 July 2010

What's in a name?

So here is the beginning of my new film blog. I have a blog already, but I felt that compared to other blogs out there it was a bit trite. I therefore re-launched it as something a little more serious and focused on weightier issues that were on my mind.
That's not to say that films cannot constitute a weightier issue. I've already posted reviews of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and Casablanca, which deal with the horrendous treatment of the mentally unwell and Nazism respectively - hardly trite subject matter. However, I aspire to be a film critic or journalist and so wanted to have an outlet where I can post my reviews of and musings on films, somewhere to collect my thoughts and comments. I don't flatter myself that my observations are hugely novel or insightful, but I want to get them out there, so to speak.
The blog is called silver screen, because my first and greatest love in the world of films will always be the cinema. DVD's are fine, watching films on a widescreen TV is okay, but nothing compares to the big screen, nothing comes close. The more astute of you will have noticed the subtitle of this blog. BTTF is far from my favourite film, but that line represents everything that is exciting, energising and transporting about films. At their best, they can exhilarate, just like the final line of that film.

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